


Full professor of Ancient History
University of Zaragoza

His main research interests are the Latin and Palaeohispanic epigraphies and the ancient history of Hispania, and more recently the irrigation in the Roman west.

Leader of several funded research projects on Pliny the Elder, tesserae and tabulae hospitales, bilingualism in ancient Hispania, the supports of Palaeohispanic epigraphy or the origins of epigraphic cultures in the Roman west, he is also involved in the Hesperia Palaeohispanic online databank (Madrid), the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin) and Fontes epigraphici Religiounum Celticarum antiquarum (Vienna). He has published papers in journals as Journal of Roman Studies, Epigraphica, Chiron, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Gerión, Archivo Español de Arqueología or Palaeohispanica, and several books on the Latin inscriptions of Saguntum (1980) and of the Tarraco amphitheater (1991), the third Celtiberian bronze of Botorrita (1996), the Roman art (1997), early Christians in Aragon (2000), the romanization of the middle Ebro Valley (2002), the Atlas of Ancient History (1987) or the Palaeohispanic coins (2015). He is editor of monographs on Caesar Augusta (2007), the conference on the beginning of the epigraphic cultures in the Roman west (1995) and three of the Coloquios sobre lenguas y culturas paleohispánicas (1999, 2005, 2009), and recently he has contributed to the Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy on the Epigraphic habit and the main Roman epigraphic types (2015). He has benefitted of research stays in Munich, Heidelberg, Rome, Oxford and Paris, where he was visiting professor at the École Normale Superieure (2010).

He is director of the journal Palaeohispanica and of the series Las ciudades romanas de Hispania (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome).

He is a member of the Real Academia de la Historia (corresponding member), of the Comité de la Association Internationale d´Épigraphie Grecque et Latine (2013-2017) and of the Comité Internacional de los Coloquios sobre Lenguas y Culturas Paleohispánicas, and at the University of Zaragoza of the Governing Council and of the Board of Trustees.

Selected publications:


F. Beltrán, ed. (1996), Roma y el nacimiento de la cultura epigráfica en Occidente, Institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza.

F. Beltrán, J. De Hoz, J. Untermann (1996), El tercer bronce de Botorrita (Contrebia Belaisca), Diputación General de Aragón, Zaragoza.


F.Beltrán (1999), “Writing, language and society: Iberians, Celts and Romans in northeastern Spain in the 2nd & 1st centuries BC”, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 43, 131-151

F. Beltrán (2004), “El latín en la Hispania romana: una perspectiva histórica”, in R. Cano (ed.), Historia de la lengua española, Ariel, Barcelona, 83-106.

F. Beltrán (2005), “Cultura escrita, epigrafía y ciudad en el ámbito paleohispánico”, Palaeohispanica 5, 21-56. F. Beltrán, C. Jordán, I. Simón (2009) “Revisión y balance del corpus de téseras celtibéricas”, Palaeohispanica 9, 625-668.

F. Beltrán (2011), “Lengua e identidad en la Hispania romana”, Palaeohispanica 11, 19-59.

F. Beltrán (2013), “Almost an oxymoron: Celtic gods and Palaeohispanic epigraphy. Inscriptions, sanctuaries and monumentalisation in Celtic Hispania”, in W. Spickermann (ed.), Keltische Götternamen als individuelle Option? – Celtic theonyms as individual option?, Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike Rezeption 19, Rahden/Estf., 165-184