


Institut El Pont de Suert (Lleida)

Eduardo Orduña is a teacher of Latin language in the Institut El Pont de Suert (Lleida). Since he obtained his PhD in 2006 with the thesis “Segmentación de textos ibéricos y distribución de los segmentos”, he has published several papers about the Iberian language. He is also a member of the Hesperia project, devoted to the implementing of an online databank of the inscriptions written in pre-roman languages in the Iberian Peninsula.

His main research field is the Iberian language and in particular its nominal and verbal morphology and its numeral system. He is also interested in the Aquitanian inscriptions, and he is now involved in the implementing of an online database ( containing all these inscriptions.

Selected publications:


E. Orduña Aznar (2004), “Sobre algunos posibles numerales en textos ibéricos”, Palaeohispanica 5, 491-506.

E. Orduña Aznar (2008), “Ergatividad en ibérico”, Emerita 76-2, 275-302.

E. Orduña Aznar (2009), “Nueva interpretación de la inscripción de Betatun”, Veleia 26. 359-362.

E. Orduña Aznar (2010), “En torno al lexema ibérico eki y sus variantes”, Palaeohispanica 10, 319-334.

E. Orduña Aznar (2011), “Los numerales ibéricos y el protovasco”, Veleia 28, 125-139.

E. Orduña Aznar, I. Rébé, J. de Hoz Bravo (2012), “Dos plomos ibéricos de Ruscino (Perpignan, P.-O)”, Palaeohispanica 12, 211-251.

E. Orduña Aznar, J. Velaza Frías (2012), “Noticias viejas y nuevas sobre la inscripción de Obarra (CIL II 5840)”, Espacio, Tiempo, Forma (Serie II, Historia Antigua) 25, 261-270