


Professor of Indo-European Linguistics
University of the Basque Country.

Joaquín Gorrochategui is Doctor in Classical Philology (Univ. of Salamanca 1982) with a dissertation about Indigenous Onomastics of Aquitaine, under supervision of Prof. Michelena. He continued Post-Graduate studies at the University of Bonn (1985-86) about Celtic languages, under the direction of KH Schmidt. He has been visiting scholar at the University of Wales (Aberystwyth), in the Ausonius Institute at the University of Bordeaux and at the University Tor Vergata (Rome), and Guest professor at the Ecole Pratique (Université de la Sorbonne).

In the field of historical linguistics, his main activity has focused on the understanding of the language situation in Western Europe in antiquity, combining the primary linguistic and historical data. He has studied the most ancient phases of Basque documented through onomastic remains from Aquitania and northern Spain, as well as the epigraphic data concerning Palaeohispanic languages like Celtiberian. Lusitanian and Iberian. He has paid attention to (dialectal) classification of the some of these languages, and to aspects of language contact in the Western Roman Empire: the impact of Latin in indigenous languages, processes mutual accommodation and transfer, identity, etc.

He has been editor of Veleia (1984-2012) and member of the editorial board of several journals, among them Aquitania, Palaeohispanica and Veleia. Since 2012 he is the responsible of the Hesperia online databank, whose main objective is the edition and study of all the linguistic remains concerning the ancient languages of the Iberian Peninsula.


Selected publications:


J. Gorrochategui (1984), Onomástica indígena de Aquitania. Bilbao.



J. Gorrochategui (1987), “En torno a la clasificación del lusitano”, Veleia 2/3, 77-91.

J. Gorrochategui (1987), “Die vorrömische Onomastik Aquitaniens”, Beiträge zur Namenforschung, 22.4, 343-355.

J. Gorrochategui (1995), “Basque and its Neighbors in Antiquity”, in J. I. Hualde, J. A. Lakarra y R.L. Trask (eds.), Towards a History of the Basque Language, Amsterdam (Philadelphia), 31-63.

J. Gorrochategui (1997), “Die Crux des Keltiberischen”, ZCP 49/50, 250-272 .

J. Gorrochategui (2000), “Ptolomey’s Aquitania and the Ebro Valley”, D. N. Parson and P. Sims-Williams (eds.), Ptolemy: Towards a linguistic Atlas of the earliest Celtic place-names of Europe Aberystwyth, 143-157.

J. Gorrochategui (2003), “Las placas votivas de plata de origen aquitano halladas en Hagenbach (Renania-Palatinado, Alemania)”, Revue Aquitania 19, 25-47.

J. Gorrochategui (2009), “Vasco antiguo: algunas cuestiones de geografía e historia lingüísticas”, Palaeohispanica 9, 539-555.

J. Gorrochategui (2011), “Interferencias lingüísticas en el material epigráfico hispano-celta”, in: E. Luján and J. L. García Alonso (eds.), A Greek Man in the Iberian Street. Papers in Linguistics and Epigraphy in Honour of Javier de Hoz, Innsbruck, 201-216.

M. Navarro, J. Gorrochategui and José Mª Vallejo, (2011), “L’Onomastique des Celtibères: de la dénomination indigène à la dénomination romaine”, in: M. Dondin-Payre (ed.), Les noms de personnes dans l'Empire Romain. Transformations, adaptation, évolution, Bordeaux, 89-175.

J. Gorrochategui (2013), “Hispania indoeuropea y no indoeuropea”, in E. Blasco, P. Francalacci, A. Nocentini and G. Tanda (eds.), Iberia e Sardegna. Legami linguistici, archeologici e genetici dal Mesolitico all’Età del Bronzo, Firenze, 47-64.

J. Gorrochategui and J.A. Lakarra (2013) “Why Basque language cannot be, unfortunately, an Indo-European language”, JIES 41, 203-237.

J. Gorrochategui (2014), “Nueva inscripción funeraria celtibérica procedente de Clunia”, Palaeohispanica 14, 229-236.

J. Gorrochategui & J. Mª Vallejo, (in press), “Langues fragmentaires et aires onomastiques: le cas de la Lusitanie et l’Aquitaine”, in E. Dupraz and W. Sowa (eds.) Genres épigraphiques et langues d’attestation fragmentaire dans l’espace méditerranéen, in press.