Publications: New Documents

Selected finds from Dercolo in the context of Raetic epigraphy

Authors: Corinna SALOMON, Sindy KLUGE

In: Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 2015, pp. 81-95.

Publication Date: 2015

Among the archaeological finds made in Dercolo in the Non valley (Italy) are a number of objects bearing inscriptions and inscription-like marks. These documents are testimonies of Raetic writing and/or culture, and were examined and documented anew for their inclusion in the online data management system Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum. The present paper gives an overview on the Dercolo finds from the Late Iron Age, and describes the different kinds of marks and characters in the context of the Raetic archaeological and inscription corpus.

Keywords: Raetic, Italy, New Documents

Graffiti on pottery —Iberic, Latin, Greek and signs— from the archaeological site of La Cabañeta (El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza)

Authors: Borja DÍAZ ARIÑO, José Antonio MÍNGUEZ MORALES

In: Archivo Español de Arqueología 84, 2011, 53-88.

This paper presents an interesting group of inscriptions made on pottery, unearthed during the archaeological excavations carried out in the site called La Cabañeta (El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza), from 1997 to 2009. Included are fourteen Iberian documents written in Paleohispanic script, twenty-two in Latin, two in Greek, eight signs and four difficult to identify marks, all of them dated between the second half of the II century B.C. and the destruction of the settlement in the decade of the 70s of the I century B.C.

Keywords: Palaeohispanic Epigraphy, Latin Epigraphy, Greek Epigraphy, Hispania, Iberian, New Documents


Graffiti on pottery from Roman-republican Valentia (Valencia, Spain)


In: Palaeohispanica 13, 2013, 407-429.

This paper presents a group of inscriptions made on pottery, recovered in various archaeological excavations carried out in Valentia (Valencia, Spain), in the last decades. It includes sixteen Latin documents, three Greeks, one Iberian and five signs, all of them dated between the last quarter of the second century B.C. and destructión of the city during the Sertorian Wars.

Keywords: Palaeohispanic Epigraphy, Latin Epigraphy, Greek Epigraphy, Hispania, Iberian, New Documents


New early second-century Gaulish texts from La Graufesenque (L-143a–c)

Author: David STIFTER

In: Keltische Forschungen 5 (2010–11), 197-227.

In this article, several short texts produced by the potter L. Cosius in La Graufesenque, dating to the early 2nd century A.D., will be discussed, some of which could be Gaulish in language. In contrast to most inscriptional testimonies of Gaulish, these texts can be dated exactly and their historical and social context is clear. This allows to make inferences about the position of Gaulish in the Roman imperial period.

Keywords: Gaulish, Celtic, Gallia, New Documents


New Inscriptions in North-Italic script from Austria

Author: David STIFTER

In: Robert Nedoma und David Stifter (eds.), *h2nr. Festschrift für Heiner Eichner [= Die Sprache 48 (2009)], Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2010, 233-240.

This article presents two very short pre-Roman inscriptions in North-Italic script from Austria: 1. a text in possibly Raetic or Ventic script from the Gurina (Carinthia), 2. a graffito in Venetic script from the Frauenberg (Styria).

Keywords: Venetic, Raetic, Austria, New Documents


A new Iberian grafitto made on pottery from La Cabañeta (El burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza)

Authors: Borja DÍAZ ARIÑO, José Antonio MÍNGUEZ MORALES

In: Palaeohispanica 9, 2009, 435-450.

This paper presents an Iberian graffito datable back to the early 1st century BC and retrieved at the archaeological works developed at the baths of La Cabañeta (El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza), a Roman site from the Republican period. New information about Iberian writing and language is given in this document, as well as an unprecedented personal name and a likely verbal form. It also shows the continuance of dual writing system graphic forms in later texts written in non-dual writing system.

Keywords: Palaeohispanic Epigraphy, Hispania, Iberian, New Documents